Manic good mood?……Ooooooh I like this, whatever it is, simple motivation perhaps.

So I have recently decided on a new career path, downloaded 42 books onto my kindle app, read 10 of them in 4 weeks, re-started going to the gym and taken up learning 5 different languages at the same time, but 3 are so similar and I spent a year in high school learning one and a couple of years learning another which makes a surprisingly good base and means  I don’t consider that it’s really impossible. What’s impossible but a constraint you put on yourself?

All my work at my current job is getting done too quickly and leaving me twiddling my thumbs and getting massively bored while at the same time making me feel guilty for taking their money to do nothing. The new career path won’t be started on until next year and I will probably still continue working both my current jobs while starting on it.

I’ve also started cleaning out our house, throwing out unneeded bits and bobs, odds and ends, sorting unworn and unwanted clothing to go to the Sally’s (Salvation Army) and filling living spaces with boxes of unsorted rubbish just waiting for me to find time for them, meanwhile they drive me crazy with their cluttering my living spaces.

Hmmmm this Red Bull I’m drinking this morning probably isn’t such a good idea, maybe I should have stuck with tea. But I am feeling energised.

Let’s do this thing!

Oblivion Calling

I heard Oblivion calling last week. Not Death. No it wasn’t Death. It was definitely Oblivion. It asked me if I wouldn’t like to fade into it. See nothing, speak nothing, think nothing, feel nothing, move nothing, do nothing, be nothing. I agreed it would be nice. It would be a relief. But I have someone relying on me, loving me, needing me, and what if it’s not like this much longer? What if it gets better? What if I miss out on the best things in life because you tempted me with nothing, Oblivion? I think it’s worth more than nothing. I think there’s lives to save and livelihoods. I think there’s places to see and people to meet and things to do, some of which I haven’t even thought of yet. Oh I don’t expect them to make me money, Oblivion, I expect them to make me Happy. Yes Oblivion, Happy is better than you.

Besides for now I’m a bit busy. I need to make sure I can tell my children and grandchildren that I tried to make sure their world would be as good if not better than mine, even if people refused to listen. I need to take photos and paint pictures of things which might be lost through their idiocy. I need to live tales worthy of keeping their little minds enthralled.

Oh yes Oblivion, did I forget to mention Hope. Hope pokes it’s head in now and again just to give me a bit of a boost, some extra energy, some inkling of purpose. No it often doesn’t stick around for long, but you don’t understand, while it’s here, it’s better than you and leaves you a shadow for many ages afterwards.

Love’s a good one too, Oblivion. I think it might be your opposite. I think it might be everything, everything that matters Love can hold, but it needs many hearts to do so. I’m sorry Oblivion, but everything is much better than nothing. Love definitely wins that one. I suppose that means I’ve changed my mind. You had better leave. Drop by a bit later if you feel like it but I may not be available to let you in. As you can see there is a lot to keep me occupied, there is..well…everything to live for, so goodbye for now Oblivion. I truly hope we never become well acquainted.