A Little Party?

So far so good. Must have been treading water like a champion because right now I’m pretty sure it’s more like floating on a lilo…well…hmmm, maybe more like calmly paddling a small raft upstream. Whatever, it’s better than fighting an undertow.

Apparently I really need to keep myself occupied and preferably with some sort of learning target or challenging goal-oriented task. Managed to calm myself down enough to focus on one language at a time, still have a five language goal but getting fluent one at a time is probably a better process, I guess. I now have two reading apps with about 50 books on each, I’ve slowed my reading down to no more than 2 books at a time, usually the second book is one I haven’t read in a while and want to re-read. Gymming (I’m aware it’s not word, I’m using it anyway) at least 3 times a week, it’s tiring me out at the moment, probably also a good thing. Went to bed early for the first time in what must be 2 years last night, that has to happen more often.

Oh I also managed to get some of the chaos that is our home in order and now I am hanging out to have some friends around for a dinner party. Proper dinner party, home cooked food, dessert, wine and cocktails, music. Hopefully all of that helps with the talking and laughter. I think we need a little socialising now and then, and with most of our friends expanding their families, working long hours or jet setting their way across the world, yes well, as the ever bootylicious Fergie so loquaciously put it “A little party never killed nobody, right here, right now’s all we got”. Oh, now I wanna dance!

And with a picture of me in your heads, dancing like a tool, completely uncoordinated and not looking anywhere near as cool as all those moves felt, is where I’m leaving you. Today’s seriously nondescript and not so eloquent post came as an afterthought during a passing day. Since they seem to be blending at the moment therefore, time for a little party!

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